"I love your country, now kiss my ass"
What is up with these immigrants? They come here, to the land of opportunity, then expect that it not request anything of them. I called a house today and mom answered, "I told you not to call anymore!" This was, of course, the first thing out of mom’s mouth. I then told her that I had never called her house before, and that there are five services, plus the National Guard calling to talk to her son. She told me not to call anymore and kept repeating that she did not want us to call, like a monk reciting a mantra. I tried to calmly explain to her, again, why I would be calling for her son, even though she had requested not to be called. In the end I acquiesced to her demand, and told her I would not call anymore. I wonder if this means she somehow expects me to pass that information to the other services…yeah, I’ll get right on it. I hope she enjoys the unearned privilege of living in this country. I hate the fact that we fight and die so these people can come here and feel like they owe us nothing. Really, though…what are we asking for? The opportunity to talk to her son about the Army. We can’t work telephone voodoo to make the S.O.B. want to join. We tell him the info, he either agrees to the appointment, or he doesn’t.
(Disclaimer-I have no problem with immigration, we are, after all, a country of immigrants, I simply resent the attitude held by many of the immigrant parents I encounter in my day-to-day exploits.)
In general, the "my kid is too good for the military" attitude makes me sick. What, do these people think we’re a bunch of morons? Many of the smartest people I’ve known have been…you guessed it…soldiers.