Help me...
I really hate this job. My boss is a control FREAK! Sergeant Pokey-slow decides that it's OK to volunteer us to work this sunday...our ONE DAY A WEEK OFF! Anyway, he asks us if we want to help him out. I politely tell him that I really do not have the time, that I will stop by to help for a few hours, and that's it. I have to use my ONE DAY A WEEK OFF to get ready for the rest of the damned week: shine my boots, iron my uniform, etc. It's not like I really get to RELAX. The overwhelming nature of this horrid job looms over me like a cancer eating at my soul. I almost never sleep on Sundays anyway. Anyway, Sergeant Pokey-slow talks to the boss and tells him that he has spoken to us and that we have "volunteered" to help him with this shindig. Boss automatically assumes that means we intend to be there for the duration. This comes up in conversation last night and I plainly state that I have a lot to do, but I had said I would stop by and help for a few hours...which should be fine, since it was (emphasis added) voluntary. Well, boss starts talking today about the event on Sunday, and lo and behold, it now has become mandatory. Big surprise. Yep, he said that he didn't think he "had to make it mandatory", that "we're all NCOs" and he "though /we/ would have the initiative to sacrifice necessary to be successful". This begs the question, has he tallied up the hours we spend at work every week? 13 hours a day monday through friday, and ten on saturday!! DO THE MATH, IS THIS A BIG ENOUGH SACRIFICE, GENIUS? Over 70 hours a week, and now he wants more. Why the hell not? You know, We don't need sleep, we don't need time to ourselves. There are 168 hours in a week, why not use them all to try to convince people that they should be in the Army(this is called sarcasm, lest a senior recruiter see this and get any funny ideas). Hell, recruiting sure makes me love the Army life. Oh yeah, that's right. I forgot, this isn't the Army life; that life is pretty good. I keep forgetting what the real Army life is like. How quickly one forgets. I can't tell you what I did last week without checking my precious planning guide. I am going to go get drunk now, it's the only way I can escape.
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