17 September 2005

The Runs...

Well, to my faithful few followers I must apologize for the lack of posts this week. It has been a busy week, people actually seem to want to join the Army. We had a fellow go down and join yesterday, and we've got about two projections for next week. In fact, today I get to go to one of my senior's houses and build his packet so that he can go down and join next thursday and friday.

Anyway, I am sick today. The idiot cashier at the commissary thought it would be OK if she continued to work even though she was ill...and put her hands all over my groceries...and now both I and my kid are sick. Friggen' cold. Last thing I need in this job.

OK, here's my daily rant. We had a battalion run yesterday. Yes, I know that they are part of the Army; the problem is this: IT'S A BUNCH OF FAT, OUT OF SHAPE RECRUITERS. Not to disparage my brethren, but you've never seen a larger collection of overweight soldiers. Anyway, the Battalion Commander takes of like a bat out of hell, and within the first ten minutes a third of the battlion is in the rearview. Then he REALLY nails it on the back stretch of the run, and three-quarters of what was remaining falls out. There were only about eight people in my company (self included) who made it. What is the point? They know most of these guys hardly have the time to do any real PT. It's like they're rubbing lemon in a papercut, "Nyah, nyah, you're just a recruiter, you can't keep in shape." These are, for the most part, top-notch NCOs who've simply been placed in a difficult position for a few years. There's really no need to rub our faces in it once a month. Maybe I'm missing something, but there's no honor in that. There's no esprit de corps when most of the corps can't hang.


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