Another day, Another dollar...
Today we have a couple of guys coming back from MEPS, hopefully with contracts in hand, and another going down to test and physical to join. This eases the burden a little bit; unfortunately though, next week it starts all over again. The monthly pressure-cooker is drained, refilled, and the heat is turned on we go. Really though, if it was just about putting people in the Army, it would not be such a drag. What exacerbates recruiting is all of the other stuff we have to do, updating planning guide, maintaining computer database, filling out paperwork, and not to mention that we have to make a couple of trips per month to the flagpole for this, that or the other. Putting people in the Army is difficult enough in itself, but the head-shed feels the need to further complicate our lives by mounting on all of this extraneous baloney. ARRGGHH!! I hate this crappy job. I swear when I return to the real Army I will never complain about the silly stuff again. "You want my team to burn shit, 1SG? In the 140 deg. heat of Iraq? No prob, Top! We'll get it done!"
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